3 Ways Modern Prescription and Procedure Data Drives Commercialization
In the past year, more than a third of all medicines prescribed are found in medical claims data. And as the number of therapies delivered in-office increases, the detailed data on how HCPs prescribe and administer these medicines is becoming a blind spot for many biopharmas.
Access to modern commercial data with better visibility, flexibility, and utility can help biopharmas fill these gaps to inform a clear picture of the market and accelerate commercialization.
More market visibility accelerates commercialization
Modern patient, prescriber, and national data in Veeva Compass solves this challenge by providing a more complete view into prescription and medical claims. Brands are leveraging unlimited data access in Compass to find patients and HCPs they can’t see today, and reach them with speed.
- One top 10 biopharma found 34% more oncology patients
- An emerging biotech in rare disease found 50% more HCPs
- Another rare disease biotech is finding new HCPs daily and activating its field 30 days faster than with traditional data
Here are three ways you can use modern prescription and procedure data to accelerate commercialization.
1. Optimize territory alignments with prescription and procedure data
Traditionally, territory alignments have been built using data that is not down to the HCP level and projections based on retail activity, not total activity. Building territories in this way, however, prevents insight into specific HCP activity, including whether they are seeing patients, writing prescriptions, and administering medicines.
Projected data at the HCP, HCO and ZIP level for retail and non-retail products can improve your territory alignments. For example, HCP-level data can help you identify additional, relevant customers that might be missed with traditional alignments.
For example, in the schizophrenia market, a territory alignment analysis using Compass Prescriber data to review 13 in-market brands found 8,830 more prescribers by including total procedures for a product – not just total prescriptions. This also uncovered 24,400 more patients, called for 40 additional territories (240 v. 280), and found an incremental revenue opportunity of approximately $150 million.
2. Inform dynamic targeting and alerts with patient-centric data
Once territories are set, field teams need to focus on the HCPs who matter most and respond to market activities as they happen. A dynamic alerting strategy helps field reps identify the most effective actions to take within their territories, improve customer engagement, and accelerate patient diagnosis and therapy initiation.
Veeva Compass Patient provides anonymous patient longitudinal data, including dispensed prescriptions and procedures, as well as diagnoses. For an alerts program, you can pull record-level claims data from Compass and then use the aggregation for HCP alerts.
With unlimited access to the full Compass data network of 300+ million patients and more than 80+ billion prescription and medical claims, you can analyze all health-related transactions for the patients and providers of interest, including HCPs who are currently diagnosing and treating, as well as those with market potential. Data is updated and refreshed daily, making it possible to see events faster following their adjudication and trigger alerts and train models in near real-time instead of waiting weeks or even months.
3. Activate the field with speed using connected data and software
Using a pre-built integration between Veeva Compass and Veeva Vault CRM, these critical and timely alerts surface in CRM MyInsights. Here, reps will have access to important intelligence, including recent prescribing trends in their territory, top growth prescribers, as well as those HCPs whose writing may be decreasing in the category.
Field reps can use data-driven suggestions to determine what action they should take next and potentially accelerate therapy trial and adoption at key accounts.
With connected data and software, from start to finish, field teams can implement an alert program in a matter of weeks — not months.
Find new patients and HCPs
You can make sizable progress to accelerate commercialization when you have a complete view of the market, unlimited data access, and connected data and software.
To preview your brand’s patient or national and prescriber-level data in Veeva Compass, request a data assessment here.