
Monitoring the Health of Your Veeva Commercial Program

This is part one of a three-post series about Veeva program health. In this post, we provide an overview of why monitoring the health of your Veeva Vault and Veeva CRM implementations is important, a framework for evaluating these initiatives, and discuss the key components to a healthy Veeva program.

Veeva consistently brings new products and innovative features to our customers to help you execute more effectively. This steady pace of change makes it invaluable for all customers to have a system in place to drive user adoption of new features, and measure overall user satisfaction. Learn more in the short video clip below:

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Our customer success team recommends a system built around four activities that support adoption and satisfaction, all working in tandem to boost overall program health:

  1. Structured release management
  2. User satisfaction surveys
  3. A comprehensive support model
  4. Ongoing end-user engagement

See how these four work together to create a cohesive program:


Like any technology initiative, a healthy Veeva Vault or Veeva CRM program requires a combined focus on people, process, and technology. In the video below, you’ll hear more about these from our customer success team, in addition to some steps you can take today to get started:

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Take me to part 2: Four Steps to Measure End-User Adoption.