Veeva MedTech Managed Services

To make sure your system stays in top shape after a successful implementation, our Managed Services team provides exceptional Tier 3 support. As a Managed Services customer, you can choose the level of support you need—from getting assistance for your own system administrator to letting us handle complete system admin for you. No matter how you choose to work with our Managed Services team, you’ll be partnering with Veeva professionals who have years of experience and are dedicated to giving you the foundation needed to make your solution a success now and for years to come.

Specific areas of expertise:

Configuration changes

Custom report creation

Data Management

Environment Management

Mobilizing functionality to offline device (Commercial Solutions)

Education & Tier 2/3 Escalation Point

Assistance with new feature implementations

Learn how Veeva MedTech can help you get compliant, quality products to patients faster.
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