See how Vault Training provides granular control over review and approval of curricula and eliminates forms associated with training requests and changes.

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Hi everyone, my name's Kent Malmros and I'm the senior director of all training at Veeva. Welcome to today's session, Reducing Edit and Review Cycle Times for Training Plans. I'm also joined by my good friend, Dave DeSimone. He's a senior consultant of Vault Quality and after I lay out some of the core concepts of this discussion, I'll be handing it off to him and he will take you through how it functions in our Vault Training application.

I'm particularly excited about this topic because one of the advantages that we provide with Vault Training is efficiency around the creation and maintenance of training plans. And that's not something that is typically considered part of the value of a traditional learning management system. So often the activities of building training plans, the content development process, creating curricula, aligning those things to qualifications they happen offline. And then the LMS-driven portion of what you're doing to deploy assignments happens through upload and a secondary set of management processes.

And ultimately we really see that it can create a broken compliance loop scenario. Because you're authoring content, you're going through the multimedia development process, you're having a subject matter expert approve that content, and that's all happening outside the system. You want to track assignments, but ultimately you have to upload all of those portions to actually deliver assignments. And while you can create this type of workflow and it looks seamless, it's very different than the reality of the situation. Where so many of these processes occur in three, four, five or more potentially technologies. So the learning technology landscape gets incredibly fragmented very, very quickly. And we see an opportunity truly with Vault Training to bring so many of those scenarios together, where you would take the different tasks performed in a learning content management system, some of the content development, the training plan development as well as what would be considered traditionally a training resource management system and a learning management system where you would then align those resources to how their qualifications for a particular learner, and really truly create a continuous improvement scenario in one system.

The combination of quality docs and Vault Training allow for that single scenario where you are developing content, aligning it to the right individuals, going through a curriculum review and approval process that truly gives you granular oversight by department heads and subject matter experts to ensure the right people are being trained on the right content at the right time before assignments are made. And then of course you can track the assignment status, check on assessments, and if changes have to be delivered, it all happens in one place. So now I'm going to hand it off to Dave and he can show you exactly how this works in Vault Training.

Great, thanks Kent. So today during our demonstration, we're going to be looking two different scenarios. We'll take a curriculum and we'll just run it through both a regular review and approval process, but also take a look at how a periodic review at a regular interval of a curriculum can also aid your training program. But then we want to take a step out of the delivered application and show you how you can also utilize standard Vault functionality to also add elements to your training program and help improve its efficiency. So those are the two items we'll look at right now.

Okay. So inside the Vault application, if you are a training administrator and here you see on my screen, I am sitting looking at one of my curricula. This happens to be the GMP Core Curricula. And let's say, as a training administrator I needed to make some updates to this curriculum. I can now add a field to my curriculum where I can capture those types of changes, call it something like a revision reason field. Capture those changes and now all I need to do is take my curriculum and send it off for review and approval. There's no need to collate a bunch of different items. I don't need to download a bunch of attachments and send them off in an email. I don't need to send an email with a long drafted explanation of what I've done and what needs to be reviewed. All I need to do is make my updates to the object, come to the action wheel and send for review and approval, start my workflow.

Okay. So I can select the name of the person who's going to be conducting my review. I can provide my summary of the changes that I made and then click Start. And just like that, I've started my review and approval process for the changes I made to my curriculum. If you're the person who's receiving the task, it's streamlined for you as well, as the person who's receiving the task you'll get a task in your notifications, follow the hyperlink it'll take you directly to the object itself. And here you can actually spend the time and you can review the details of the curriculum or I can come to the left hand navigation portion of the object and just simply click on revision details. And it will take me directly to that field and directly to that section where I can review the changes that have occurred. And then once I have a chance to review it, I can complete my task and tell my training admin, yeah, this looks good. It's ready for use or no, I think additional updates are required and I can leave comments for that as well.

In this case, I'm just going to simply say, it's ready for use. I'm going to apply my e-signature. And as soon as I go ahead and I provide my e-signature, my curriculum changes to Ready For Use. And the system is ready to assign training assignments against this curriculum. So, that is every day just managing your training program. I've had to make changes as the training admin and I had to get approval on that. In addition to making changes on a regular basis a curriculum might be required to go through an annual review. You might do it every year, it might be on a schedule of every two years or every three years, whatever is appropriate for you, but on an annual basis, some sort of regular schedule, you might need to demonstrate that you are actually reviewing your training plans or your curricula. That is standard delivered application functionality.

We have a periodic review schedule... A workflow that you can follow. Again, when it's time to send your periodic review, you can configure the system so that the training administrator will receive a notice that says a periodic review is coming up or is coming due. You don't have to gather any information or any details, send any emails. All you simply need to do is come to your actual curriculum, go to the action wheel and start your periodic review workflow. Again, you can use the metadata that you're capturing on the object, such as curriculum owner, to let you know who you should be sending this task to. So I'll be sending off my curriculum periodic review to the curriculum owner, giving them a due date as to when they need to finish their periodic review and click Start.

From that end user perspective you would again receive a task that tells you have a curriculum periodic review to do. Again, I don't need to go to an email. I don't need to download a bunch of attachments. I don't need to search anywhere in order to find the information that I have to review. All I need to do is simply click on the hyperlink. It brings me directly to the curriculum, and now I can sit here and I can with one object open on my screen, I can review all of the necessary details about this curriculum. I could see it's metadata. I could see any related objects that I need to be aware of, what facilities this curriculum impacts, what departments. I could see the learner roles associated with it, as well as the training requirements.

And I could even scroll down to the bottom and I can take a look at all of the history of this curriculum. When reviews and approvals have occurred. When periodic reviews have happened in the past, what the decisions were, all of that is summarized right here on my screen without having to do any additional work. When I'm ready, I simply come up to complete my task, and I can indicate that this curriculum is fine as is. Revisions might need to be required, or it's time to retire the curriculum. Depending on my decision, I can provide additional details as well. So that is standard Vault Training functionality in the application itself, the periodic review, as well as the review and approval workflows are already established. Small changes to configuration to additional fields as required.

But let's actually take a look at how we can take this one step further and what else we can add to enhance our training program. So using standard Vault functionality, we can take something like an object, and we can utilize that object and build workflows around it. And possibly we can use something that would help us manage training change requests. So how do you alert your training to administrators that changes are needed for a curriculum, or you want to add a person to a learner role or maybe take a person away from a learner role? So I want to show you how we've done that using standard Vault functionality.

Okay. So again, just logged in as a regular end user, I'm here logged in as Quinn quality director. So maybe Quinn Quality Director realizes, Hey, I have this curriculum that I'm the owner of, and we have a new training requirement. I'd like to add this training requirement to this curriculum. So how can they alert the training admin that change is needed? They can come over to the tab and select the Training Change Request that we've created for them. Great. By selecting Training Change Requests, I'm brought to a new object page. I can click the Create button and then I have to select what type of change it is that I want to request.

And you can see, these are some of the types that we've created. Perhaps you want to extend someone's training due date, or perhaps you need to create a new learner role, or maybe you want to change what employees are linked to what learner roles, you can revise or create a brand new curriculum or revise and create a brand new training requirement. So in this case, I want to make a revision to a curriculum so I'm going to select that option, click Continue. And then on the next tab, I simply just fill in the required metadata and of course this would be available for each individual customer to choose whatever pertinent metadata is required for them. If this was a new curriculum, I would indicate that I wanted to create a new curriculum and then I could offer up the name of what I'd like that to be called. But in this case, we're just making a revision to a curriculum.

So I click Save and once it saves, I can now fill in the rest of my metadata. So here, I want to indicate to my training administrator I'm looking to revise the GMP Core Curriculum, that's the one I'm the owner of, and I either want to add or remove learner roles or I want add and remove training requirements. So in this case, I want to add a training requirement so on this next screen, I pick the training requirement I want to add and then I want to tell my administrator what I want them to do with this. So either add or remove, now I can click Save. And here I have a complete record of the change I'm requesting. I want to make a change to a curriculum, this is the curriculum I want to change and these are the changes I want to make.

So now that I've created it and my next step, I just simply have to come up to Send for Assessment and send this off to my training administrator, give my training administrator a due date as well and then click Start. And then from the aspect of the training administrator, they would receive a task. This is the task that they've gotten. Again, just like with the curriculum review or periodic review, the training administrator can follow that hyperlink come directly to the request, look at all of the data that's been captured here, know exactly what's being asked of them, know exactly what they need to do, and then they can come up here and they can make a decision when they complete their task. Yes, this has been completed and the change has been made or no, actually this can't be completed and maybe there's a reason for declining the request, or you can send it back to the person who made the request and ask for updates. Maybe there's something that's wrong on this form that was submitted, so they need to make updates for it.

And that's how you can actually use standard Vault functionality, just objects in Vault in order to enhance your training program even further. So that's the end of my demo. Hopefully, this shows you that there's no need to go elsewhere, no need to gather a whole bunch of different objects and lump them all together in an email and send them off to users, but you can actually just use the Vault Training application as well as Vault functionality to really improve the efficiency of your training program.

Thanks, Dave, I really appreciate you bringing a concept to life that I know has been frustrating for the industry for quite some time and showing people how we're helping solve it with Vault Training, and I hope the audience found this discussion informative.