Veeva OpenData
Power Commercial Agility with High-Quality Data
Improve field productivity and HCP engagement with accurate, comprehensive, and integrated customer data.
Announced 2015 Status Mature Customers 100+

Accurate and comprehensive customer reference data

Veeva OpenData is global reference data of healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations.
It contains names, addresses, contact information, email, specialty, compliance data (license information and industry identifiers), and affiliations. It is available in 100+ countries.
OpenData is provisioned via Veeva Network, direct integration with CRM, API, or data files.
Ensuring speed and accuracy
Global Impact
1.5K +
global data stewards maintaining quality
hours data change requests (DCR) resolution globally
100 +
countries covered
U.S. Impact
12M +
HCP and HCO records in U.S.
350 +
data stewards focused on U.S.
99 %
of DCRs resolved within 3 days in U.S.
Why Veeva OpenData
Master data that works
Customer Success
Trusted by 250+ biopharmas,
from emerging to Top 20