Aktana是全球生命科学销售团队决策支持的先驱。在销售代表现有的客户关系管理流程内,Aktana的决策支持引擎,可以向其提供根据数据驱动产生的见解和建议,以促进做出更好的独立决策。 Aktana的系统还掌握了怎样的销售和营销行为将能够产生最佳的结果,并建议改进优化策略。 Aktana的总部位于旧金山,费城、东京、大阪、伦敦和上海也均设有办事处。 Aktana is the pioneer in decision support for global life science sales teams. Aktana’s Decision Support Engine delivers data-fueled insights and suggestions to sales reps within their existing CRM workflows, promoting better independent decision making. Aktana’s system also learns which sales and marketing actions produce the best results and recommends improvements to optimize strategy. Aktana is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Philadephia, Tokyo, Osaka, London, and Shanghai.
Drcom is a boutique communication agency specialized in medical communication and a pioneer in Closed Loop Marketing (CLM) and digital multichannel strategy in life sciences. Our crew and tech team will bring you to new frontiers. OUR MISSION? To explore new horizons and boldly go where no medical man has gone before. As a human sized agency, our culture is to build a partnership with our clients to take you further than anyone else.
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杏树林,是国内知名的互联网移动医疗企业。旗下APP产品 “医口袋”和“病历夹“,截至目前下载量近301万,注册用户覆盖37%的中国医生群体。杏树林推出诊疗一体化医药营销云平台(Pharma Marketing Cloud),连接企业-医生-患者,覆盖诊前-诊中-诊后,基于云端为企业提供可配置的营销SAAS服务。
Established in 2011,Xingshulin Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest explorers in the mobile medical field in China, and the largest mobile Internet company serving physicians in China.The users of the major products of the company (“Medical Pocket” and “Dossier”) include 35% of Chinese physicians, and more than 1 million 220 thousand registered physicians and medical students. The all-round mobile Internet services of the company cover case-history cloud service, project coordination among departments, physician brand and medical data.
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